April 17-18, 2012

Complete your Edmodo assignment from Monday
if you did not complete it! 

Power Point is a presentation software that is very user friendly. It allows users to create a presentation in slide format and helps give an audience an outlined version of your presentation. Please use the link below to see various instructions and help sheets on Power Point:
 Power Point Quick Reference Sheet
Power Point Tips
Power Point Tips
Added Effects to Power Point

Learning Assignment:
Purple Keyboarding Book - p. 110-118
     1.  Read page 110-113
     2. Using the instructions on the left side of the page, create the 6 slide presentation shown
          from the bottom of p. 114 through the top of p. 118. 
     3.  Save to your user number as "Powerpoint Intro"  Print in you are in Simmons class by following
         these directions.
              a) Go to your office button, then Print.
              b) In the Print dialogue box, select appropriate printer, under Print What- Select Handouts. 
              c) Make sure you print 6 handouts per page in the print dialogue box. 
                     This keeps us from printing a sheet for every slide and wasting paper.  


Upon completing the Power Point Handout, you need to start on your Power Point Project. This project should be well thought out and planned. It is worth a test grade and should be given much detail and research. 

Power Point Topic: 
You must create a power point on one famous event in American History. 

Power Point Requirements
1) Must have a total of 10 slides plus a title slide= 11 slides total (minimum)
2) Every slide must have a picture.
3) Must apply slide transitions to EVERY slide.
4) Must have a consistent background.
5) Must have word art somewhere in your power point.
6) Must have an auto shape somewhere in your power point with added text. 

Power Point Reminders
1) Your power point slides should not have paragraphs. Information should be listed in bulleted format. This way the presenter adds all the detail when presenting. Only main topics and the outline should be listed. All slides should be to the point!
2)  If you use a dark background, use a light colored font. If you use a light background, use a darker colored font.
3) Don't put too much information on a page!It should not be so much information that the audience can't read it!
4) Be creative!
5) When presenting- speak up, give added information and not just read the slide, make eye contact with your audience. 

You will be presenting your power point to a small group of classmates. Make sure that you put forth the time and effort required for this project and assignment!

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