Tuesday, May 1st

Awards Day

8:30    Juniors
9:40    Sophomores
10:30  Freshman

When they call for your grade, please go quietly to the auditorium and when returning.  Please work until then and when you come back. 

1.  Finish Monday's Edmodo if needed.
2.  Use Publisher to create a calendar for May, 2012.  Place the exam schedule, graduation, Memorial Day, Awards Day, Prom, Yearbook arrival, Top Twenty Luncheon, and a few personal dates on your calendar.  Insert at least 5 different pics to make it unique.  Save to your user file.   Mrs. Simmons class should print and turn in the basket.  Mrs. Starnes class will go print in Mrs. Simmons room and bring to her for your grade.
3.  Check for any zeros.

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Monday, April 30th

Please log into and complete the Edmodo assignment
"Texting while Driving."

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May 7, 2012

Log into Edmodo and complete the article "Pinterest and Disclosure". Make sure you select "Turn In", Type your responses in the space provided BELOW the questions, then hit "TURN IN ASSIGNMENT" upon completion. This is the only way to submit your work for grading.

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April 23-24

Log into Edmodo- Complete the Article Assignment titled " Facebook & Lobbying". Make sure you click on the "TURN IN" button, type in your responses at the bottom, and click on "TURN IN ASSIGNMENT" upon completion. This is the only way to receive credit for your answers.

This week you will be working in Microsoft Publisher. Microsoft Publisher is very user friendly and has hundreds of templates that you can use. It helps you design various items such as calendars, greeting cards, invitations, banners, signs, business cards, certificates, and the list goes on! It has limitless possibilities! This week you will be utilizing various templates to create common documents that can be used in both your personal and professional life. 

Today you will create the following items:
1) Business Card- Using a Publisher Template, create a personal business card for yourself. You must include a picture to add to your business card. Make sure to include your name (bigger font), phone number, address, email. 
2) Greeting Card- Create a birthday greeting card to a friend using one of the templates. You can change the picture or add pictures to it. Must have a personal message and your name on your greeting card.
3) Flyer- Create a flyer advertising the upcoming Gardendale High School Graduation. Some general information to include is the date (May 24, 2012), location (Gardendale First Baptist Church), time (6:00PM). Make sure you include clip art, a border, and added visual elements. 
Simmons Classes

Starnes Classes
Save all 3 to your user number.

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April 19-20, 2012


This project should be well thought out and planned. It is worth a test grade and should be given much detail and research. 

Power Point Topic: 
You must create a power point on one famous event in American History. 

Power Point Requirements
1) Must have a total of 10 slides plus a title slide= 11 slides total (minimum)
2) Every slide must have a picture.
3) Must apply slide transitions to EVERY slide.
4) Must have a consistent background.
5) Must have word art somewhere in your power point.
6) Must have an auto shape somewhere in your power point with added text. 

Power Point Reminders
1) Your power point slides should not have paragraphs. Information should be listed in bulleted format. This way the presenter adds all the detail when presenting. Only main topics and the outline should be listed. All slides should be to the point!
2)  If you use a dark background, use a light colored font. If you use a light background, use a darker colored font.
3) Don't put too much information on a page!It should not be so much information that the audience can't read it!
4) Be creative!
5) When presenting- speak up, give added information and not just read the slide, make eye contact with your audience. 

Upon completion, print your power point
using the following steps:
1) Go to your office button, then Print.
2) In the Print dialogue box, select the appropriate printer, then under Print What- Select Handouts. 
3) Make sure you print 6 handouts per page in the print dialogue box. 
This keeps us from printing a sheet for every slide and wasting paper.  

You will be presenting your power point to a small group of classmates. Make sure that you put forth the time and effort required for this project and assignment!

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April 17-18, 2012

Complete your Edmodo assignment from Monday
if you did not complete it! 

Power Point is a presentation software that is very user friendly. It allows users to create a presentation in slide format and helps give an audience an outlined version of your presentation. Please use the link below to see various instructions and help sheets on Power Point:
 Power Point Quick Reference Sheet
Power Point Tips
Power Point Tips
Added Effects to Power Point

Learning Assignment:
Purple Keyboarding Book - p. 110-118
     1.  Read page 110-113
     2. Using the instructions on the left side of the page, create the 6 slide presentation shown
          from the bottom of p. 114 through the top of p. 118. 
     3.  Save to your user number as "Powerpoint Intro"  Print in you are in Simmons class by following
         these directions.
              a) Go to your office button, then Print.
              b) In the Print dialogue box, select appropriate printer, under Print What- Select Handouts. 
              c) Make sure you print 6 handouts per page in the print dialogue box. 
                     This keeps us from printing a sheet for every slide and wasting paper.  


Upon completing the Power Point Handout, you need to start on your Power Point Project. This project should be well thought out and planned. It is worth a test grade and should be given much detail and research. 

Power Point Topic: 
You must create a power point on one famous event in American History. 

Power Point Requirements
1) Must have a total of 10 slides plus a title slide= 11 slides total (minimum)
2) Every slide must have a picture.
3) Must apply slide transitions to EVERY slide.
4) Must have a consistent background.
5) Must have word art somewhere in your power point.
6) Must have an auto shape somewhere in your power point with added text. 

Power Point Reminders
1) Your power point slides should not have paragraphs. Information should be listed in bulleted format. This way the presenter adds all the detail when presenting. Only main topics and the outline should be listed. All slides should be to the point!
2)  If you use a dark background, use a light colored font. If you use a light background, use a darker colored font.
3) Don't put too much information on a page!It should not be so much information that the audience can't read it!
4) Be creative!
5) When presenting- speak up, give added information and not just read the slide, make eye contact with your audience. 

You will be presenting your power point to a small group of classmates. Make sure that you put forth the time and effort required for this project and assignment!

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April 16, 2012

Log into Edmodo and complete the article "Internet Censorship". Make sure you select "Turn In", Type your responses in the space provided BELOW the questions, then hit "TURN IN ASSIGNMENT" upon completion. This is the only way to submit your work for grading.

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April 12-13, 2012

A resume is one of the most important documents you will create in your future. Most professional jobs require that you have a professional resume created and ready to turn in with a job application. 

Please go to the following site and read tips for
creating your resume:

Teen Resume Samples 
Teen Resume Guide 
Teen Resume Writing Tips
Teen Resume Writing Tips
Teen Resume Writing Tips

Using Microsoft Word Templates (just like you did with letterheads and labels), you will create a resume.  You must include 3 references! They can choose which template they would like to use for their own personal resume! Print & Turn in for Ms. Simmons.  Make sure it is saved to your user number for Ms. Starnes.

Make sure that you list any volunteer experience, activities you are involved in here at GHS, Education (school information), computer skills you have (Remember you have Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, Power Point, and Publisher skills; Also have Internet and Prezi skills). Remember that your resume is a tool to "Sell Yourself to An Employer" so they will hire you for the job! So highlight your skills! If you do not have any work skills, make sure you list volunteer experience!

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April 10-11, 2012

Complete Edmodo Article from Monday
if you did not complete! 

Blog Assignment:
 Students will post a blog post to their blog about social media. Include in your post what all types of social media you use on a daily basis. Answer the following questions in your post:
1) Do you think that teenagers use too much social media?
2) What social media do you think is the biggest threat to teenagers today?
3) What ways do you think you can avoid being stalked using social media?
*Make sure to include AT LEAST one picture with your blog post*

Tables Page 199/67C “Famous Americans”; Page 202- Both Tables
You should print a total of 3 tables!   If you are in Mrs. Starnes class, just save them to your user number.  Save them according to what they are named in the left margin. Refer to the blog post on April 5-6 for details on how to format and make changes to your table. 

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April 9, 2012

Log into Edmodo and complete the article "Social Media Stalking". Make sure you select "Turn In", Type your responses in the space provided BELOW the questions, then hit "TURN IN ASSIGNMENT" upon completion. This is the only way to submit your work for grading. 

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April 5-6, 2012

Review Table Format Information
on page 99 & 196 (Purple Book-Century 21)

 Inserting a Table:

To insert a table, click on the insert tab, then select the size table you want to insert. Remember rows go across, columns go down. You will need to know the number of columns and rows needed before doing this step.

Tips for Creating A Table: 

Remember that all formatting that needs to be done to a table can be done by right-clicking inside your table. This creates your drop down menu along with a link to the TABLE PROPERTIES dialogue box. By right clicking you can change the size of cells (height & width), adjust borders, cell alignment, shading, and make basic changes to your table. 

Tables 1-3/66c Pages 197-198 in the purple book- follow all directions in the left margin.
They should be on three separate pages and files!!

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April 3-4, 2012

 Blog Post: Students will create a blog post on their blog describing how you personally think today’s youth have shaped the future of online tv, music, and movies. You must include a picture as well on your post. Make sure to answer the following questions in your post:
1) What social media (tv, music, or movies) do you think has influenced teenagers more today?
2) How do you think that today's youth could be more positively influenced by social media?
3) What changes would you make to social media today?

Using word templates, students will create their own letterhead, sheet of labels, and an envelope. You should turn in three sheets or items for the day.
Tip: When you print your envelope, you may have to hit the check mark button (located on the printer) twice in order for it to print each envelope. All work should be printed on PLAIN PAPER.

To Create Your Letterhead- Start a new document, select letterhead under templates. Select the template you would like to use. Edit your personal information for that template. ADD A PICTURE as well to your letterhead! Your picture can be of you or something related to a future job. SAVE YOUR LETTERHEAD AS PERSONAL LETTERHEAD. Print your letterhead.

To Creater Your Labels: Start a new document, select labels under templates. Select labels, then select office labels, then select the label "Confidential Business Labels (Works with Avery 5160)". Click "Download". Once opened, edit one label to have your name, block, and date. Copy and paste that same label to all other labels on your page. SAVE YOUR LABELS AS PERSONAL LABELS. Print the lables. 

To Create an Envelope: Start a new document, select Envelopes under templates, then select the template "Envelope- Modern Elegance Design". Download the template. Edit the return address (top left corner) as your personal address. Then in the recipient address (bottom address/centered) type in the school's address: Gardendale High School, 800 Main Street, Gardendale, AL35071. SAVE YOUR ENVELOPE AS PERSONAL ENVELOPE. Print your envelope.
*Remember you may have to hit the check box on the printer twice in order for it to print!*

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April 2, 2012

Log into Edmodo- Complete the Article Assignment titled " Youth Shaping Future of Online TV, Movies & Music". Make sure you click on the "TURN IN" button, type in your responses at the bottom, and click on "TURN IN ASSIGNMENT" upon completion. This is the only way to receive credit for your answers.

Mrs. Simmons' Classes:
You were responsible for printing two reports last week. Please make sure you have them both printed and turned in to your class tray! Reports were on page 266-267 (3 pages total) and 269-270 (four pages total).

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