Thursday & Friday, February 2-3

Please login to TimeMaps to finish the assignments listed below that are due Friday.

1- Lessons 1 & 2  (Pre and Post assessments, self checks)

2- Download Activity #5 and #6  to your User # on the computer.

3-  Open Act. 5 and begin typing in the answers. Some of these seem to be opinion based so I think there is not a wrong answer. Use Google for help if you need assistance.    Use page 55 in the Wordit book for letter format help.  Add the letters on the end of the document.  Save your completed assignment.

4-  Act. 6 deals with a business plan.  Use the internet for help if needed.  You don't need to copy and past a huge amount.  They are looking for short, simple answers.
5- When both assignments are finished, you will go into the Moodle and at the end of the Unit 1, these two assignments are listed. Click on one of the names and it will go to a screen where you can upload the file. Click browse and find your file and double click on it. Then click upload on the Moodle. You will do this for both assignments.

  When both assignments show as uploaded, your assignment is complete.

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