April 1st, 2014

We are in the home stretch.  Summer will be here before you know it!

Today we are starting PowerPoint.

1 -  Click on the following link and download (buttons in top left corner of the page) the following file and print yourself a copy.  This is your paper to put your name on and write the answers.  If you have a problem, come to me for help.


2 - With the worksheet still showing on your screen, click and follow the link at the top of the page on that worksheet to find the answers.  When finished, make sure your name is on there and put in the basket.

Here is the link to find the answers


3 - Pick up project 5 - Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.  Work through the packet.  Save your work to your user number or it will not be here next time.  If you finish, there is a special way to print.  Come to me to let me check your work and show you how to print correctly.

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March 20-21, 2014

We are finishing up today and the goal is to have the following items finished.
1 - All Edmodos
2 - All prezi's ("GHS" and "Family and Friends") graded by a friend and in the basket.
3 - Everfi - tests taken on the first 3 topics.  If you are unhappy with a test grade, you may retake.  If you do get a higher score, let me know so I can change it in the gradebook.

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March 18th, 2014

1 - Finish up Everfi lessons (Savings, Banking)
2 - Evaluate Friends and Family Prezi's
3 - Edmodo lesson from yesterday complete
4 - Begin Everfi Lesson on "Payments, Interest Rates, and Credit Cards."

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March 17, 2014

1 - Check Edmodo for an assignment

2 - Retake Savings and Banking tests in Everfi if you are not happy with your grade.  After today, I will record the grade you have.

3 - Make sure you have turned in your grade form for your GHS prezi.

4 - The Friends and Family prezi will be due at the end of this week.

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March 13-14, 2014

1 - Log into EverFi and work on the second lesson.  Some of us did Savings the first day and some of us did Banking.  So, no matter which one you did first, you want to work on the other.

2 - Continue to work on and finish your "Friends and Family" Prezi. 

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March 11-12, 2014

1 - Finish Everfi Savings/Banking and take the post test.  You can retake this test until you are satisfied with your grade until next Monday when we will start the next lesson.
2 - Finish GHS prezi if needed and get graded by your peer.
3 - Begin work on the second prezi.  Details are below.

Guidelines for your "Friends and Family" project
1 - at least 10 pics
2 - text that fully describes the person(s) in each pic and their relationship to you
3 - Different fonts, colors, etc. that make your prezi unique.
4 - A path that is fun to watch and clever. 

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March 10, 2014

Today we will be registering for Everfi in all classes. Please follow the instructions below:

1 - Follow this link

2 - Click on "New to Everfi? Sign up" in the top right corner.

3 - Click on "I'm a student"

4 - Enter your class code (listed at the bottom.)

5 - Please use the same username and password as you do in Edmodo.  Finish filling out all needed information

6 - Click on and begin working on the overview.  You will need ear buds/headphones for this.  If you have your own, please use them.  If not, I have a few pairs.  If you end up without, click on the button at the bottom for the audio script.

7 - When you finish the overview, please click on "Savings."  You will take a Pre and Post test.  You must make a certain score to go on so make sure you listen and learn the information.

Find your class for your code

Starnes 4th Block - 09fe5c3e

Simmons 5th Block - 826c2bd3

Simmons 6th Block - 2a0807fb

Simmons 7th Block - 01698fe7

Simmons 8th Block - 8983a913

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March 6, 2014

1- Grade Prezis - Get a fellow student to watch and grade your prezi.  You can also grade others.  Make sure and be fair.  If anyone gets a 5 on design, I will also watch because it must be outstanding to warrant that grade.

2- Start a prezi about yourself.  If you have access to pics of you and your family, insert them.  You may email pics from your phone (just tell me when you are doing that so I know.) 
If you do not have pictures, start figuring out the information that you want to use and designing your prezi.  You may bring (zip drive) or email those pics to yourself from home or from your phone to insert on Thursday. 

Guidelines for your "Friends and Family" project
1 - at least 10 pics
2 - text that fully describes the person(s) in each pic and their relationship to you
3 - Different fonts, colors, etc. that make your prezi unique.
4 - A path that is fun to watch and clever. 

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March 4, 2014

Introduction to Prezi

Go to the link below and learn about how prezi works:


Answer the Prezi question sheet and put in the basket with your name on it.

Go to Prezi home page and sign yourself up (www.prezi.com) 
1- click signup
2- click free account
3- use a familiar password so you will remember your signup

Watch demo Prezis if possible on your computer.

Once you feel comfortable with all the different options, you may start your first prezi!

To begin your first prezi. Make sure it has the following:

     1-Title (Gardendale High School), Your grade, your name
     2- School pic (link is below)
     3-All of your classes with class information and a pic representing each class.
        Each class must have its own slide

School Pic

Come and let me view it to give you points when completed.

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