8/29-8/30 Thursday and Friday

1-Please login to Microtype and work on either Skillbuilders or the lessons until stopped by your instructor.

2-Click on the link below for Netiquette Tips for Teens. Read through the tips.  List 5 on a piece of paper.

3- Click on the link below for all three Real Life Stories Videos. Upon completion of the videos, write a one paragraph summary of each of the videos and what you learned from them on the same page as your netiquette tips.  Turn in the basket.

5- Follow the link to read safety rules for this class.  Read over these until you are comfortable with all of the answers.  We will take this Monday and you must make a 100% on this test.

Netiquette Tips for Teens
Real Life Stories- You Can't Take It back
Real Life Stories- Your Photo Fate
Real Life Stories- Broken Friendships
Safety Rules

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8/28/13 Wednesday

Good Morning!!

1 - Turn in any signed forms into the correct drawer.

2 - Bring any fees to me so I can mark you off.  Please let me know if you are planning to print your work off at home and bring it the next day. 

3- Please log into Edmodo and check for assignments.

4-Netiquette: There are appropriate rules and behaviors that you must use on the internet (in school & out of school). Click on the link below and read about Netiquette & Cyber Bullying. Upon reading this link, write a paragraph summarizing Netiquette and Cyber Bullying and the importance of safety on the internet and summarize the tips they give you (in the box).  Make sure you have at least 5 good sentences for a correct paragraph.   On your paper...continue to number four below.


5 - Read the link below about Cyber Bullying Statistics. Write 10 Statistics under your paragraph that you created in number 3. Put your name and block on your paper and turn in the basket.   Please turn your work in the basket.


4 - Log into and work in Microtype.

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Welcome to the 2013-1014 School Year!

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year. We look forward to having you in our classes this year!

Please find below the syllabus for Business Technology Applications:
BTA Syllabus 2013 

Please find below parent forms for you to sign and return to Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Starnes:
BTA Parent Forms 2013 

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