September 27-28

Please make sure you have completed the following:

Edmodo  -        iphone 5, Twitter
Wordit -           Activities 3, 5, and 6
Timemaps -      Test over "Interest Basics"  (Starnes only)

IF you have these all completed, please type in Microtype for about 25 minutes.

Please complete the Wordit Activity announced.  Save, print and turn in the basket.

Mrs. Starnes class only - Look back on the previous posts and complete 9/24's post for Mrs. Simmons class.

Mrs. Simmons class only - Complete the FBLA Survey on the table. and turn in basket.

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September 25-26, 2012

1) Work in Microtype for 25 Minutes- your goal should be to complete one lesson.

2) Edmodo- Log into your Edmodo Account. Read and answer all questions under the IPHONE 5 article. Make sure you click on:
  • "Turn In" 
  • Answer all questions
  • Click on "Turn in Assignment"
  • DO NOT hit "Reply". If you do, you will not receive credit. 

If you have not set up an Edmodo Account, Click on "I am a Student" on the home page, complete all fields. You will need to get a group code from your teacher. You must do this in order to log in. If you already have an Edmodo account, log in. On the left-hand side you will see the word Groups and next to it "Join". Click on Join and get the group code if you do not have one.

3) Your last assignment will be to complete Word It 3 in your Word It book. Make sure you create a header for your assignment and save to your student number. Print your work and place it in your classes tray.

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Mrs. Simmons Classes Only- 9/24/12

Phases of Life

The developing phase begins when you are born and ends when you officially enter the work force. This phase is considered the foundation for the next 2 phases. The work phase begins when you enter the work force and ends when you are able to retire. The retirement phase begins when you no longer have to work to earn money and ends when you die.

In two paragraphs (using complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation)- write out how you see yourself today in all three phases of life in your near future. Let me know what steps you will take to enter the work force or college? What do you have to do and complete to get there. When you enter the work force, what do you see yourself doing? What job? Will you be married? Will you have children? Will you have a house? Where will you live? What things will you need to do to prepare for retirement? In the retirement phase- what things would you like to enjoy? How much money would you like to have saved?

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