As we will be in and out with awards today we will repeat yesterdays assignment because of early dismissal.
1 - Finish Everfi Lessons
2 - Fix Healthy Living PowerPoint
3 - Finish Edmodo
Please log into Everfi and complete the following lessons:
a - Taxes and Insurance
b - Consumer Fraud
Please make sure you take the tests at the end so I have two grades to record for you. If you do not have grades when I put them in, I will take off points for lateness when you finally take the tests.
1 - Take the following quiz to see your footprint -
2- Check the Edmodo printout to see if you have any missing assignments to complete. I will be taking a grade on this Monday, 4/28/14.
3 - Please pick up a quiz results sheet. Follow the link below, take the quizzes, record your results, and turn in the basket. You are not graded on what you score but on taking and recording so please be honest.
April 21, 2014
4/17 - 4/18
1 - Please make sure you are current with your Everfi Lessons through "Renting vs. Owning."
2 - Make sure that you have finished and turned in all work. Pick up your progress report to see what you are missing.
In no particular order - working on these three things during the period
1 - Lesson 6 - Renting Versus Owning - Everfi
2 - PowerPoint - Title slide plus 3 slides with pics on anything you want
3 - Publisher - Greeting card for any occasion of your choice
1 - Make sure you are finished and have turned in both PowerPoint projects.
2 - Everfi Lessons through Financing Higher Learning should be complete. Retake any test that you wish to improve.
4/10 - 4/11
1 - If needed, finish/revise and turn in PowerPoint #1 - Peanut Butter and Jelly
2 - Begin, finish, turn in PowerPoint #2 - Healthy Living for Teens
3 - Make sure past assigned Everfi Lessons 1-4 are completed.
4 - Everfi Lesson # 5.
April 5, 2014
April 3-4, 2014
**Pick up progress report to check on any zeros**
1 - Finish PowerPoint Intro and PowerPoint #1 Peanut Butter & Butter
2 - Finish Everfi lessons 1-3
3 - Lesson 4 in Everfi - "Credit Score"