1 - Please log into your moodle account and check for your grade if you uploaded your assignment. If requested to make any changes, please do so and resubmit. Make sure your work is uploaded before you leave as today is the due date.
2 - Please begin working on the next Moodle assignment that should be highlighted. Here is the link to the worksheet for 7.3. Please note that you must type the answers in and save your work to your user number. Then, when complete, you will upload as we did Friday with the grade sheet.
April 1, 2013
March 28 - 29, 2013
1 - Follow this link and download the "Grade Sheet" to your user name.
2 - Log into Timemaps and find your grades for the first 6 tests omitting 7.2 as we are taking that today. Enter your name and these grades in the appropriate spots. Resave this document.
3 - Take practice tests on 7.2 and take the test when it becomes available. Update your grade sheet with your 7.2 test grade.
4 - Log into your moodle account and click on the Grade sheet link under the assignment. Follow the logical steps to upload the document and submit it for marking. I will help you if you cannot figure it out.
March 26-27, 2013
1 - Pick up a worksheet and log into Timemaps and work on Theme 7.2.
2 - Log into Edmodo and complete assignment.
3 - Log into the Moodle website. We will need to at least log on this website and Timemaps everyday we are in here the rest of the year to check for assignments or messages.
March 25, 2013
March 12-13, 2013
Monday, March 11
Please pick up and complete the Access test.
Make sure your save the table as your name and Assessment.
Before you print, sort the salary from high to low.
Friday, March 8
1 - Pick up Worksheet over payroll.
2 - Finish Activity 13 if needed.
3 - Complete query, form, and report over Activity 13 using instruction sheet.
4 - Work on any missed work.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
1 - Complete worksheet using the "Understanding your paycheck" link below.
2 - Practice test in Timemaps 7.1 - Test will be Monday.
3 - Act. 13 in Access - Pick up a sheet that will work you through a query, form, and report that you will staple to the printout of your Act. 13. Your query should be for copyright dates later than 1960 or >1960.
Wednesday, March 5, 2013
1 - Complete worksheet using the "Understanding your paycheck" link below.
2 - Practice test in Timemaps 7.1 - Test will be Monday.
3 - Act. 13 in Access
March 5, 2013
1 - Timemaps practice test 7.1 - Take until you make a decent grade on the practice.
2 - Pull up "Nascar" and add 10 additional fields. Resave, reprint, and carry to your desk.
4 - I will show you how to run a query on Nascar. Print this, staple to your Nascar database, and turn in the drawer.
3 - Access Activities 7, 8, and 9. Follow ALL instructions and staple these three together and turn in drawer.
March 4th, 2013
Today you will take your midterm in this class.
There is a multiple choice portion that you will complete on a scantron. Then, you will do a simple spreadsheet in Excel. Please bring both parts to me to turn in and turn in the test.