December 3rd, 2012

1 - Read about Itineraries on p. 273 in your Purple book.

2-  Type the top Itinerary on p. 279.  Save to your user number and turn in the drawer.

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November 29th-30th

1 - WordIt! Activity 47 - Newsletter - I will show you how to begin this as soon as I have taken the role.

2 - After we work on the Newsletter for 45 minutes, I will pass out progress reports.  You may use the rest of the time to finish, print, work on Microtype, etc. 

3-  Please pull up your MicroType on your screen before you come to me to increase those points so I can easily access what you have completed.

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November 26-27

1 -Microtype  - 10 min. (through lesson 16 will be checked Thursday and Friday.)

2-WordIt! Activity 16 - Insert Text Boxes

3-WordIt! Activity 21 - Create a letterhead

If you did not take your timemaps test yesterday, please log on and take that test.

Please save to your user number, print, and put in the turn in drawer.

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November 26, 2012

On the bright side, unless you have to take a makeup exam, you have 18 school days until your Christmas break!!

For today, please log into  Review Theme 4 Lesson 4 and take 2 practice tests.  After about 15 minutes, I will send a test for you to take.  After you complete that, you may work in Microtype if needed.  Progress reports will go out this Thursday and Friday and I will need to see through lesson 16 to put in Inow.

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November 19-20, 2012

1-  Timemaps Theme 4 Lesson 4
2-  Make a flyer in Word about either the History of Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving traditions.  Use at least one of each of the following; autoshapes, Wordart, and copied pictures you like from the web.  (Look under Google images)  You can type inside the autoshapes to give me information.
3 - Make sure all of your work is save to your user number.  If you are not sure, ask for help.  The drives may be cleared off and you want to have your work there or you will lose it.
4-  Watch DVD about Goal Setting.
5-  Microtype if needed

I will be pulling you up to finish signing up for the State Moodle.

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November 14-15, 2012

In honor of the upcoming holidays, we will feature awkward holiday photos for a while.  This shows that what you put online can haunt you forever!

Today's assignment:

1 - Edmodo assignment

2 - Timemaps Theme 4 Lesson 2 - Mrs. Simmons class will begin this lesson.   Mrs. Starnes class will review it once more and attempt to better our test grades because as a whole, we did not do well.

3 - We will begin setting up our logons for the State Moodle which is the site we use for the online experience.  This is very tedious and we have to do individually.  While this is occurring, please work on the above assignments, complete any missing work, or work on MicroType if needed. 

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November 13th-14th, 2012

Hope you enjoyed your Monday out of school!!

Today we will be completing the following -

1-  Microtype or Micropace - 15 minutes

2-  Purple book tables p. 101-102

3 - Learn how to do an envelope and labels in Word  Act. 27 and 29

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November 8-9, 2012

1 - Microtype or Micropace - 15 minutes

2 -Review Letter format on p. 54.  Type thank you letter on p. 51 with your correct return address and date.

3 - Go to the following link to watch a video called "Freedom Isn't Free."  You may have to search for it.

4 - Using the letter format we learned earlier this week, write a letter to a veteran or a soldier.  You may have someone in your family that has served or is serving.  Let them know how much you appreciate their sacrifice for this country.  This letter should be more that one paragraph.  Please take your time and make this well written.  Save to your user number and print.  Staple both letter together and turn in for a grade.

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November 6, 2012

1 - Please finish yesterday's table on p. 100 if needed.

2 - Microtype or Micropace - 15 minutes

3 - Learn Letter format p. 54 WordIt! book

4 - Practice letter p. 67 Purple book  -  Bring to me to check

5 - Letter p. 70  -  Don't let this trick you!  Use correct format!!

*Staple your two printouts together and put in turn in drawer.  Don't forget your header.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

It was a great weekend this weekend with both teams winning!!

Now, don't forget our Alabama-Auburn Canned Food Drive this week!!

Today's assignment is....

1 - Memo p. 100 in the purple book.  Make sure to make it look the same.  Don't forget the Vertical centering.

2 - Microtype or Micropace for the rest of the period.

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November 1-2, 2012

1 - MicroType or MicroPace - 15 min.

2 - WordIt! Activity 36 - Memo with tab set

3 - WordIt! Activity 37 - Table

4 - Check for any missed work

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