September 6 & 7 BTA


1-Use the first 20 minutes of class to catch up on any work you may be missing to date. If you are up to date, work on Microtype.

2-Create a blog post and title it "Internet Safety" Tell me 5 things that you learned from the videos last week. Please number them so I know you have put five.

3-Click on the link to reach the FBLA webpage. Also click on the All About FBLA assignment below. Immediately after opening, save it to your computer student number, edit the header, answer all questions, and print and turn in your class tray. You will need to save it as "FBLA" to your student number.

4-Using the green Word It book, complete Activity #6: Symbols. You will need to save it as "Word It 6" to your student number. In this activity you will be inserting various symbols. To insert symbols in word, you go to the Insert Tab along the top of your toolbar, then on the far right side click on symbols. Some symbols you may not see. If so, click on "More Symbols". This will open up a dialogue box with many options. Notice at the top that you are on the font Symbol. You can change the font to see various kinds of symbols. Follow all other instructions for your activity.

FBLA Assignment 

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September 1 & 2 BTA

1-Please login to Microtype and work on either Skillbuilders or the lessons until stopped by your instructor.

2-Please post to your blog. Your title is "All about Me". Please tell me about your family, hobbies/interests, and some interesting facts about you. Incorporate a bulleted list into your post. Please use the link below to follow the instructions for how to post to your blog.

3-Click on the link below for Netiquette Tips for Teens. Read through the tips.

4- Click on the link below for all four Real Life Stories Videos. Upon completion of the videos, type a one paragraph summary of the videos and what you learned from them. Also type 5 of the tips you learned from the Netiquette Tips for Teens. Place a header on the document including your name, block, and date. Save the file as Real Life Stories to your student number.Print your work and place in your class tray.

5- Follow the link to read safety rules for this class.  Read over these until you are comfortable with all of the answers.  Come to me to get a print out of the test to take.  You must make a 100% on this test and put in your folder.

Instructions for Posting to your Blog 
Netiquette Tips for Teens
Real Life Stories- Tracking Teresa 
Real Life Stories- You Can't Take It back
Real Life Stories- Your Photo Fate
Real Life Stories- Broken Friendships
Safety Rules

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August 30 & 31 BTA


1-Please login to Microtype and work on either Skillbuilders or the lessons until stopped by your instructor.

2-Netiquette: There are appropriate rules and behaviors that you must use on the internet (in school & out of school). Click on the link below and read about Netiquette & Cyber Bullying. Upon reading this link, type a one page paragraph about what is Netiquette and Cyber Bullying and the importance of safety on the internet and summarize the tips they give you (in the box). On your paper...continue to number four below.

3- Read the link below about Cyber Bullying Statistics. Type 10 Statistics on your document you created in number 3. Make sure you have put a header on your document and save as Netiquette Cyber Bullying. Print your work and turn it in your class tray.

4-Century 21 Keyboarding book p. 570-572 Write all vocabulary words (bolded) and questions on your own paper. If you forgot to bring paper, you may type your answers. Make sure your name, date and block is on your paper and turn in the basket.

5-Click on the link for Blog instructions and begin to set up your blog.

At the end of today you should have turned in two documents:
1) Word document with information on Cyber Bullying and Netiquette links
2) Century 21 Keyboarding book vocabulary and questions.

Creating Your Blog
Netiquette & Cyber Bullying 
Cyber Bullying Statistics

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August 29 - Microtype and catchup

1-  If you complete all of last weeks work, please log into Microtype and work on your lessons.

2-  If you did not complete Wordit # 3 - Shortcut keys, please complete, save, print, and put in the basket.

3-  If you were out any last week, or, did not finish an assignment, please work on finishing and turning in the basket.

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August 25 & 26 BTA

1-Please login to Microtype and work on either Skillbuilders or the lessons until stopped by your instructor.

2-Click on the link below for the Computer Basics Flash Cards. Roll down and make yourself a list of the terms and definitions (written)  When finished, arrow through the cards that deal with basic computer information and study them to get ready for the quiz.

3-Click on the link below for the Computer Basics Practice Quiz. On the right, change the number of items from 20 to 35 and click "reconfigure." Take the quiz and score it to see what you missed. Keep taking this until you score 100%. Print the quiz and bring back to your seat.

4-Open Word and complete Activity #3. Save it to your user # as "Shortcuts".  Print this to the HP4100 and staple it to your above quiz and terms/definitions. Place all three in the turn in basket.

Computer Basics Information Flash Cards

Computer Basics Practice Quiz

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August 23 & 24 BTA Assignments

1-Please login to Microtype and work on either Skillbuilders or the lessons until stopped by your instructor.

2-Click on the link below to read information about Computer Basics. Then, answer the questions on page 6 and 7 on your own sheet of paper. At the bottom of your page, list five rules related to passwords from the board.

3-Click on Word Screen Parts to see a diagram of the Word 2007 screen. Notice the different tabs at the top that have replaced the old menu. List the 11 parts of the Word screen. Make sure your name and block are on your paper.

4-Complete Word Activity #2 from the green Wordit Book on your stand. Save this as directed as "Headfoot" to your user number. Print a copy and staple it to your paper from above. Place this in the turn in basket.

Computer Basics
Word Screen Parts

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Welcome back to school year 2011-2012

The Gardendale High School Education Department is excited about the upcoming year.  There are several documents that need to be signed and returned by parents.   Students will need a gmail account for class. The instructions to set one up are at the bottom of the page. There is a link to the Business Technology Applications Syllabus. Finally, there is also a link to Career Cruising.

GHS Forms
BTA SyllabusGmail instructions
Career Cruising
Career Cruising Instruction Sheet

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